Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stokkebye's English Luxury, From Perfect Blend

As defined by Stokkebye, this blend is "A characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burley's and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength."
  I doesn't taste English to me, but what do I know.  I know that despite the dark, smokey note from Latakia that usually defines the flavor in an English blend, I enjoy this thoroughly. The flavor is light in taste and body, while still bringing the cool, delicious note of other non-aromatics. In addition to it's traditional non-aromatic body, the room-note (smell of the smoke) is airy and sweet, carrying a slight scent of chocolate. With the only visible drawback being that it burns just a tiny bit hot, this is the best of both worlds.
  There's not a whole lot else to say about this. It stays lit easily, the flavor remains unchanged to the bottom of the bowl, and the smell won't put people off.  If you want a smoke that won't re-flavor your pipe, but you can still smoke in public, this is a great one. I'm sure to pick up more of this once I run out.

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